One-to-One Coaching with Willie Horton


Willie Horton - Psychologist


I work with my one-to-one clients in a "set" of six 60mins coaching sessions by Zoom, at a cost of €1,997 - but you always have the option to pay in advance for each of the series of six sessions one session at a time - that costs €397 per session.


What's included in that price? Our six Zooms, ongoing access to your own personal page on my website - with audio playback of all our conversations (most people listen back multiple times), together with any online supports necessitated as a result of our conversations.


If you're interested or want to learn more, feel free to email me at:


And, if you'd like, take a moment to browse reviews from both my clients and program owners

Willie Horton

FCCA AITI MMII BSc(Hons) Psychology MBPsS



I'm Willie Horton and I'm a psychologist!!! I'm also originally an accountant, tax consultant and banker. And it was during my days in banking that I discovered something that was not just more exciting than banking, it was life changing and, in fact, so exciting that I determined to help others discover the excitement for themselves.


I've been doing that since 1996 and, since 2018, The Psychology of Success Online Program has enabled me spread the word further afield in a much more price-effective way.


And yet, some people prefer the one-to-one approach - people from all walks of life, at all kinds of different stages in their lives, some who feel themselves completely "stuck", some right in the middle of a major crossroads! - and many who just want so much more out of life. All of them have one thing in common... they want change - and they want change now.


If that sounds like you, you've come to the right place, one way or another.





How to Change Your Life | The Psychology of Success | © Willie Horton 2024 All Rights Reserved