Change Your Life | June 6 2024 No. 864 |
We've talked a lot over the last few weeks about just doing it - what ever it might be.
That means exactly what it means. If you're jogging, jog. If you're driving, drive. If you're cooking, cook. If you're eating, eat. Eat like you mean it. Eat as if your life depends upon it because it does (remember our "matter of life and death Reflection" a couple of weeks ago?)
Immerse yourself in what you're doin. Do it so carefully that you'd swear you'd never done it before, which, of course, is true - you never went for today's run before and you'll never run today's run again.
Immerse yourself to the point that a casual observer would wonder whether you might be an obsessive compulsive. Experience every move, every breath, every sensation.
What does that mean? No discractions - whip your earphones out! No distractions - take an immersive breath when (not if) your thinking mind tries to hijack the moment. No distractions - just have the first time in-depth experience that this moment of what you're doing really is.
It's only when we're fully immersed in the flow of the moment that we fully experience that flow and the wonder that it can bring into our lives... right now.
Today's Video and Reflection are highly practical and prescriptive. Watch, read, do... just do.
And, to make it easier for yourself (if you're not already an adept at immersion), choose one specific thing that you're about to do and... dive in, immerse yourself, get all sticking and pruny!
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