Change Your Life | May 16 2024 No. 861







This Week's Reflection


You are, perhaps, going to be fed up hearing about the importance of small choices by the time I'm finished with you but, then again, this is the adventure of a lifetime, in every way, so, I guess, I'll never be finished with you!


Today, we're exploring the wrong choices that we make out of nothing other than habit... bad habit. Why do we annoy ourselves, frustrate ourselves, stress ourselves? Because, on Autopilot, we know no different.


Hence the importance of deliberately making small choices when we inevitably find that our Autopilot has gone and done what it always will do until we stop it... make the wrong choice.


We don't have to stop it or counter it once. We have to keep doing it but only until our restructured brain has become accustomed to making a different kind of choice for us: one that will assure continued flow.


And here's the good news. There is an absolute inevitability about you switching from the old automaticity to a new and effortless way of behaving and experiencing, moment-to-moment. All you have to do is get the ball rolling.


And there is absolutely no merit in my saying any more - why complicate the simple!




This Week's Quick Tip


I'm not even going to bother spelling out the obvious to you today. Just watch the video and start doing it.


Or, as today's Reflection has it, start the ball rolling right now. It will gather its own momentum.




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