Change Your Life | May 18 2023 No. 809




Oh on what a "merry" dance we lead ourselves! Or, more to the point, we're awfully good at leading ourselves down blind alleys... this week's video explores an all too common imaginary issue!!





This Week's Reflection


You either are or you're not. Mindful or mindless. In charge or on automatic. Present or absent.


You either know or you don't. Believe or doubt. Are sure or only hope...


As this week's video suggests, to hope is to doubt, when we "hope" we're using the language of frustration.


How many people have "wondered" whether or not this, that or the other will work out or be achieved according to how they've set their mind? To wonder is to doubt. To doubt is to think. To think is to take ourselves away into the shadowlands of imagined issues.


If you've set your mind to experience the achievement of a Perfect Moment and it hasn't happened yet, that's simply because it's not the perfect moment! A Perfect Moment will only be a perfect moment at the perfect moment.


Don't let your mind run away with you. Ground yourself in the only place and time in which we can be. Be mindful, be present. And, when you stray, as we all inevitably do, ground yourself anew.


When we live in the here and now, when we allow ourselves flow, we simply allow what is best for us to flow... in due time.




This Week's Quick Tip


Ground yourself. Notice how you're experiencing this moment or not!


To do this, simply pause, notice and choose.


Choose to notice something that one or more of your senses is actually telling you now: something you smell or see, something you hear or touch.


Choose life... your's. Here and now.




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