Coaching Videos & Tips - May 12 2022 No. 756




Anticipation is one thing - it's often part of the joy of experiencing something special to come. But pouring your energy into the future that you "can't wait to happen" is quite another. Today's video explains.





This Week's Reflection


Be careful with how you use your so-called Attentional Spotlight - shine it into the nooks and crannies of the here and now, tune it into the vibe of the moment, for it is on that wavelength that you'll find what you're looking for - the little synchronicities and opportunities that will enable you glide effortlessly forward.

Credit yourself in the knowledge that, for starters, you know that you have an Attentional Spotlight - most people wouldn't know what we're talking about! More importantly, credit yourself that you can, when you choose, control as to where you shine it. When you started on this journey, when you first meditated, you gained control of your Attentional Spotlight for the very first time in your adult life. In crediting yourself for this, in "patting yourself on the back", you encourage yourself to keep choosing to control where you shine that spotlight. You minimise the inevitable possibility that, for a few moments (or many), by not making that choice, you would relinquish control and find yourself in the shadowlands of thought.

We know, as travelers on this journey, that many of our Perfect Moments are yet to happen. Or, putting it in simple English, they'll happen in the future! That does not mean we should be looking forward to them. What will get us to the experience of our Perfect Moments will be the manner in which we wholeheartedly and wholemindedly turn up to our lives in the here and now, so that we notice the little synchronicities and opportunities that lead us ever further forward on this adventure of a lifetime.




This Week's Quick Tip


Do not waste today - not a moment of it. This is your life right here and now.

And if, as often happens, you find yourself having missed a couple or many moments, don't waste another moment annoying yourself that you wasted a moment!

Keep yourself on your toes today. Remind yourself to pay attention to where you are, what you're doing and how you're feeling.

Remind yourself to slow down, take a breath or two, notice how that feels, immerse yourself in the moment so that you won't waste the next few moments.




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