Boggles - Mindfulness Videos Articles and Tips

Coaching Videos & Tips - October 4 2018 No. 576


In this week's video, I address two key questions that have emerged over the last couple of weeks because, normally or "normal minds" (and we all know what that means!) get in the way...


FREE Video Series

Our video series - we're talking about how to achieve what you truly want of life - continues. Here's what we've covered in previous sessions:


You might (or might not!) know that I've been publishing these weekly videos, tips and articles since December 2008. And all 576 issues are still available to you... you can browse around all the back issues in The Archive


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Reflections on Mindfulness

You might be wondering why, in the middle of a video series on getting what you want out of life, I've returned (not for the first or last time) to the subject of thought in today's video. I do so because your thoughts will always - and I really do mean always - get in the way of your goals and, dare I use that word again, dreams. It's not you that's getting in your way, it's just your thoughts.

People tell me that the minute they start imagining the life they want, they think that it's unrealistic... but that's thought and you're designed to think that way. Imagine, 10,000 years ago, as we scratched around for tonight's dinner, we started thinking about a different life. We'd either get so immersed in the idea that we wouldn't see the tiger or bear coming... he'd be just scratching around for his dinner! Even if there wasn't a beast around that day, imagine if we started getting notions that our lives could be a little more adventurous to the point where we struck out from the herd to do our own thing... we wouldn't last long on our own!

Our brains are designed to keep us in check, to keep us in our comfort zone, regardless of how uncomfortable that might actually be... it's why so many people constantly and consistently put up with crap that they simply should walk away from.

You need to stop thinking to start living... that's why I'm back talking about it!

Normal Crazy People - Mindlessness in Action

Rather unusually, in this week's story, I'm telling on myself. When our kids were really young, we used to head off to a nice hotel for a couple of days around New Year and, like everyone else, we'd get in the party spirit.

Early one New Year's Day (about four in the morning), lying in a daze in a darkened hotel room (a little worse for wear) a voice cried out "What's your favourite colour?" As my brain tried to get a grip, the same voice bellowed "What's your favourite food"...

As I stumbled around in the dark, I realized it was our youngest daughter's Barney the Dinosour that was posing these existential questions. Eventually, on all fours, I got my hands on him... but he wouldn't bloody shut up. So, I wrapped him in a towel and put him in the bath.

Just as I was getting back into bed, I heard a muffled voice say "Sharing is Caring"... go on, share today's video with someone online!


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