You can have whatever life and life experiences to which you set your mind. To get there, you need to realise that, regardless of what you're thinking mind might think, you deserve whatever your heart desires... let yourself deserve!
Also mentioned in today's video... you should take a moment to have a look at what owners of The Psychology of Success Online Program have to say about how they're experiencing what they know they deserve - just click here.
Today's Quick Tip is short and sweet and it will only take 30mins for you to do it
Listen to today's Podcast... it is based on numerous questions I have received from clients, Program Owners, people who tune in on Facebook Live... all kinds of ordinary people taking the daily steps to live extraordinary lives.
I'm talking about meditation: how to do it, what not to do and how to let yourself move yourself forward... effortlessly.
Also, treat yourself: give yourself a little "me time" to explore some of these supports and resources...
Download my podcast To Succeed... Just Let Go
Get involved in my Facebook Group To Succeed... Just Let Go
Join me on Facebook Live every Tuesday - you don't even have to be on Facebook!
Our fortnightly Conscious Conversations...
There is a reason why my 2006 book, Podcast and Facebook Group are all called To Succeed... Just Let Go. The same reason why I've used the phrase let yourself a couple of times today. We don't need to strive for anything, we need to let ourselves lose to experience all good things.
And you deserve all good things because the purpose of your life is to live your life to the full - not at some point in the future (a now that hasn't yet arrived) - but right here, right now. Some tell me that this sounds a little selfish, a little hedonistic. In the era in which I grew up in Ireland, people tell me, this notion of deserving all good things runs counter to our being "hopeless sinners in need of redemption". I simply refer these people to their user's manual for life, the Bible - where it says that you should "have life and have it to the full".
Psychologically and energetically speaking, if we don't live life to the full in the here and now, we are missing our own life, tarnishing the life experience of those around us and sucking energy out of the energetic universe of which we are an integral part.
Flip that last sentence on its head: when I fully turn up to the here and now, I am fully alive, my presence is the rising tide that allows others' boats to rise and I am exuding energy out into a world that badly needs to take a quantum leap.
Let yourself.
And I'm just letting myself go a little to mark the occasion! If you didn't do it yesterday, you should download your copy of my 2011 bestseller (it was a bestseller somewhere on some particular day!) Normal Crazy People:
And you might also not think about (just do it) joining all those who, with lifetime access to the Online Program, have taken that quantum leap into living the life they know they deserve:
Get Details of Today's Half-Price Offer for lifetime access
And keep an eye on your inbox tomorrow - you can download a little something that will turbo-boost your days...