I came across Willie Horton a number of years ago when the company I work with booked him to do a number of sessions with the staff.

I have to be honest I was very sceptical about meditation and the benefits that it could bring. However I embraced the sessions and enjoyed them. I started meditating first thing in the morning and I have to say to this day I have continue to do so. I work in a stressful environment and I felt the benefits quite quickly of meditating each day. I became calmer and much more focused.

I purchased the Psychology of Success program a couple of months after starting meditating and I have been following it over the years.

The program has given me an understanding of the science behind meditation and how it can have benefits for you in every aspect of your life.

It gave purpose to the meditation. By that I mean I wasn’t just living in the moment for a few minute it was helping me to see what I really wanted to do with my life. It has aided me in setting very clear goals both in my career and in my personal life, many of which I have achieved over the last few years. It has shown me the benefits of short meditations throughout the day. Before going into a meeting to take a minute to your self or even before responding to someone. I feel I have a much clearer thought process when I take that minute or two to meditate.

I have joined a number of Zoom meetings that Willie has organised over the years. Unfortunately because of time pressures I haven’t joined as many as I would like to have. However I do listen to the recording of the meetings. These meeting have shown me the benefits that so many people have gotten from meditating, the focus it has given them in setting and achieving their goals.

Since the start of the pandemic  I have found meditation to be a life saver. I have been working from home for most of the past year. It has given me focus and direction and has enabled me to set very different goals than I would have set in the past.


from Meath, Ireland


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