I met Willie (online) last summer, I watched three free short videos as an introduction to his online course, "The Physiology of success" and even though I had some doubts before enrolling in it, I can certainly say now that this is one of the best decisions I have taken in my adulthood.
The course is great, granular and super-easy to follow. We have short videos with powerful advice that help us to stay grounded and focused. On top of that there are bi-weekly zoom calls with the group to explore different topics related to the main goal: Live here and now, Being present enjoying every single moment.
However the best part, in my view, is having the chance to share with Willie daily situations, doubts, concerns and learn from his experience and wisdom.
I thought I was enrolling to a course, however I got a friend, a guide, a counselor. Thank you Willie for being present in my life.
Isolina Moran
Team Lead IT Infrastructure
Ontario, Canada