Once again, I’m answering your questions this Tuesday. “Coping” might sound like a strange subject for our conversation - but we all have things which we need to handle. And, even though we all now know that we can use our minds to envision and create the kind of life we really want, that doesn’t mean that bad stuff will never happen us again… so “Coping” it is for Tuesday March 3rd at 1.00pm GMT.
What I find remarkable is the discipline that he demonstrates, with the publication of his weekly videos, to back up the words and ideas with his own practice and 'way of being'... and the unselfconscious generosity that he shows by sharing his insights. He's a rare and valuable gem! - Mike Alsop, Owner, Mike Alsop Development
Living in the Here and Now and learning to Act instead of spending time thinking has been the most important learning I have had in my living and working life. Willie Horton helped me to learn how to act and really live in the here and now and it has changed my life. - Donald Williamson, Sales Director, Britvic