Boggles - Mindfulness Videos Articles and Tips

Coaching Videos & Tips - July 2 2020 No.659


Annoyance, frustration, anxiety, sleeplessness, guilt... and all because of you! Utter madness and, worse, a waste of life's precious moments and opportunities.

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Today's Quick Tip

Two tips today actually! First of all, watch today's Video... I've set a challenge for you - you'll find it at about 2mins:30secs through the video - beforehand I explain the utter madness that we're trying to get rid of from our lives!

And, Tip #2: to help you rise to today's little challenge, take 90secs to press the "reset button" - in other words, mini-meditate just before you actually complete the task in hand! As I said, you'll have to watch the video.

Now, while you're at it, there's a wealth of tips, ideas, insights, science, practical advice... you name it, we have it - in The Archive. And there are, as things stand, 658 previous editions!

And, finally, a bonus Quick Tip... watch your inbox on Tuesday July 7th - next Tuesday - I'm going to do something special!!!!

Think of what you could be doing with the time you waste annoying yourself! Think about the opportunities you're missing because of the attention you're paying to annoyed you are with yourself! Think of how you're literally piddling your life away as you indulge in some weird form of sado-masochism! Yes, we're so good at beating ourselves up. And I haven't even mentioned our self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs. I'm just talking about the day-to-day nonsense in which we allow our crazy minds indulge.

Let's draw attention to one really key thing, though. Many people that I talk to think that there life or some aspect of it offers them little in the way of opportunity to improve their lot. Then, after a couple of sessions with me, they begin to talk about stumbling across opportunities... as if they weren't already there!

When you're attention is diverted by your own stupidity, it's damn hard to notice what's before your very eyes! Consider my recent Normal Crazy People story about how, having hounded a leading business magazine editor to publish an article, the successful author doesn't bother writing the article! Probably too busy putting it off until tomorrow... and that's after they've managed to get the opportunity.

If you've watched the video, you'll know that I have a little challenge for you today. We need to start somewhere! But, once we start, we start realising that it's far better for us, more effective, more efficient (dare I use the word effortless) if we do what we need to do...

This is the story of, let's call him Peter (no point in exposing the guilty!). Peter was in charge of a big project and had one apparently insurmountable issue he needed to deal with.

So Peter blocked out a whole day in his diary to tackle the problem. And, when the day came, found all kinds of different, silly and even useless things to do instead of dealing with the task at hand. Peter was annoyed with himself and couldn't sleep that night. He determined to attack the issue first thing in the morning. But, in the morning, he was too tired, ran late and never got around to even thinking about the problem... until it came to evening when, not only was he now angry with himself, he was guilty that he hadn't done anything about this really important issue.

This went on for weeks until the day before Peter was due to go on three weeks' vacation. He now had no choice. Peter arrived at work two hours early, gritted his teeth and got going. He was finished before the time he would normally arrive for work!

He later remarked that it would be wonderful if you could "bottle that day-before-the-holidays focus" and take a swig of it every day. You can. You do it by training your mind to focus. The training is meditation and, if needs be, a little mini-meditation... that's what today's second Quick Tip is all about.


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