What's the key goal of mental exercising? Is it to simply be happy in the moment or is there more to it than that? Surely we want to use our fit minds for a purpose... and one of the key results of mental exercising is mental agility. And that makes life a whole new... plate game!
There are 635 other "plates" in The Archive! Worth a look... one "viewer" recently told me that he was about one-third of the way through the whole archive which dates all the way back to 2008.
Today's tip is horribly simple and you can do it right now - click here to sign up to the free training that I'm currently running online: 3 sessions - 2hrs in total - loads of downloads and exercises.
We started Tuesday and the whole thing will run until Saturday night, Feb.1st... so get your skates one.
And, if you have already signed up, as many of you have, you need to spend some time reflecting before you put pen to paper (you know what I mean).
Now that was one of the simplest Quick Tips we've had in all these years!
You might wonder why someone would work his or her way through The Archive of videos, tips, articles and stories that stretch all the way back to 2008. Indeed, you might also wonder why some of my other clients have printed out all the articles and tips... all 635 of them to date (never mind the impact of all that printing!).
The point is that, very often, when we hear or read the same thing in a different way - even the slightest turn of phrase can make the difference - another penny drops. Indeed, most of the owners of The Psychology of Success Online Program repeatedly go back to the start and, in doing so, understand things that they didn't understand first time around... some wonder if they'd even watched some of the earlier material such was their level of focus when they started out the Program!
You and I are on a journey. It's a journey of discovery where we more deeply understand not so much who we are but what we can - I didn't use the conditional "could" - be... how we can liberate ourselves from the flawed way of using our minds that, sure enough, got us through one day after another but, in the process, held us back. There's a world of difference between survival and living life to the full!
With that in mind, we all need to remember, that we never stop learning. Even a cursory glance at the latest research in psychology and neuroscience shows just how much learning has taken place over the last year or two... and how exciting that learning is.
I sometimes have people unsubscribe from The Mind Boggles because they're "heard it all" before... the terrible thing is that, thanks to GDPR, I can't reply to them and say, "No you have not!"... none of us has heard it all and, as we put one foot in front of each other in our everdyay lives, we need to keep our eyes and ears open, the journey has only just really begun.
So... I would urge you to lap up this information, keep lapping it up. Immerse yourself.
I'm in "launch mode" this week... there's a whole new free training online - if you haven't signed up for it, you can do it right here, right now - which is always the best time to do anything!
That means, like any other normal crazy person, technology is driving me to distraction... well, almost - I'm making sure that I'm walking every day at the moment. Which brings me to this week's story...
Monday, as I stepped lightly across a pedestrian crossing, I was sideswiped by, of all things, an ambulance. I've heard of ambulance chasing, but this was ridiculous! I assume they were out touting for business.
That was strange enough but what happened next took it to a whole new level. A couple of metres down the road, the ambulance stopped and the driver stuck his head out the window and shouted:
"What kind of moron are you, walking on a pedestrian crossing?" What kind of moron indeed.